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Justina Sanders-Schifano

A Comfortable Place

The sound of rain on a tin roof while you are snug under a blanket.

The feeling of warm water when you take a shower on a cold day. The fulfillment you get during the end of a book or a movie. The smell of freshly ground coffee when you wake up from a long nights sleep. The bear hug from an old friend that encompasses you in a familiar scent. The laughs around the table when the family finally gets back together. The sound of the forest during a private hike. The touch of a stranger, soon to be the love of your life. The gentleness of holding a new born baby. The gift of life's little moments.

There is access to this comfort in every moment of life, we just have to recognize it. It can be easy to slip away into the importance of what everyone else is thinking of us, what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. This curiosity robs us of the comfort within our exact moment. The truth is, we will never truly know what others think of us, we will never be able to change or re-live yesterday, and we don't know what will happen tomorrow.

My life has brought me plenty of gifts and I attribute everyone of them to the skill of appreciating the current moment. If "The Universe" gave gifts to people, you can say the scale of the gift is based on the love and appreciation this person gave to the previous gift. I have not been on earth very long, but I can say this is a law that I grow to become more accepting of every year of my life. Unfortunately, the easiest way to see this law in act is to observe someone who can never live in the moment. When you watch a person that is consumed by their appearance and their control over life, you will also notice anger, envy, and sadness follow this person around. This is completely opposite of the person that is taking the exact moment provided to them to read a book, tend to a garden, paint a canvas, or get lost crafting a delicious recipe. This person is basking in each moment and life is gracing them with more and more moments to make beautiful. The more thorough we can implement this meditative positivity and productivity to our lives, the more effortlessly beautiful life will become. And it is no coincidence that right when you have everything in the world to brag about and control, you're too busy enjoying it and letting it happen to even consider using it as leverage to convince people how cool you are....

Thank you for reading and I hope this brought you a little enlightenment.

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