I often catch myself falling from one desire to the next. Not nearly enough time to bask in all the reasons I desired it in the first place. Aging is allowing me to see how harmful 'wanting' is for the spirit. It destroys life's simple pleasure because it's not possible to remain in the moment while you are fantasizing about this new contribution to your reality. Not only that, but we often feel positive that attaining the desire will alleviate all stress and discomfort that we are feeling. But here is the thing, there is absolutely no body type, clothing, substance, amount of likes, etc. that will satisfy the hunger of desire. A desire is simply a loop one gets stuck in while ignoring the root cause of a void. Sometime buying fancy cloths is easier than acknowledging what is truly missing can not be purchased. Sometimes obsessing over the validation from others is easier than acknowledging why your satisfaction with yourself is not valuable enough. Are you even satisfied with yourself?
The truth is you have everything you need to be happy and satisfied in this exact moment. Although we are sculpted to believe we can build our happiness from our external environment into our internal mind and spirit, this is impossible. There is no lover you can achieve, surgery, or house you can buy that will heal what is truly wrong. We must build our happiness from the inside out.
Let me explain how this has worked in my life. When I have been stuck in 'wanting' loops, I rarely ever feel satisfied and my personality is taken over by fear, greed, jealousy, superiority, etc. Even when I get what I "wanted" I remain in an endless loop of feeling entitled or wanting more. These characteristics leave you isolated because people do not want to be around you or you will attract other people equally fearful, greedy, and jealous as you. Then you will claim you are nothing like them.
When I am happy and existing in the moment, everything appears to be a blessing. I feel gratitude rain over me. I feel so blessed with all I already have that there is no need for more. My only goal is to nurture and to help grow all I currently have the privilege to touch and love. This is my state of abundance. This is when everything works out. There is no wanting occurring because to have more is simply more to be nurtured. There is always so much available to you but you have to love and nurture it as it currently exists. Then it will grow into something more valuable than anything you can buy. The acceptance, optimism, and embrace you give while nurturing what you already have will heal the voids that often cause endless 'wanting' loops. You want a beautiful body? Nurture it and stop comparing yourself to others. You want good friends? Nurture the ones you have. You want more followers? Nurture the ones you have.
Everything you need is right here and right now. Only stand still to be grateful of how far you have come, then get back to tending to the love of the family, friends, community and self in which you belong.
Justina Sanders-Schifano
Updated: Mar 4, 2023